Workshop primer

It’s time to challenge your assumptions and navigate your blind spots.

Join us in the guided group workshops where you’ll discover a new take on power and privilege, and what active allyship looks like.

Recognising your privilege is a powerful foundation in building a deeper understanding of how as an individual you can create positive change.

You’ll explore

How your assumptions and bias creates barriers and obstacles for others; on the basis of social factors and identities such as gender, race, age, sexuality, class, disability etc.

Key topics include:

  • The power of storytelling in building inclusive workplaces
  • Identifying and interrupting our default behaviours
  • A visual representation mapping social factors and power dynamics across global, local, and workplace environments
  • A framework to identify those most marginalised in your workplace and the barriers they face 

Taking a fresh perspective

Shifting focus from avoiding the problem that’s too big to tackle, to one that each individual can contribute to.

Our mantra for this module will continue in the guided workshops:

Character on a yellow background with text: how might I be contributing to this problem? KINSPACE logo